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What about the grandfather? And the last born?

And me, what color am I?

Have you ever thought of your family as a colorful constellation?


Each person in our family could gives off an iridescent color because of their character, thoughts, outbursts, emotions, the way they talk, the way they smell, the way they laugh or cough, the dreams they have. In this workshop we will draw the members of our family as a small shape or even just a dot; just join the dots with lines and fill in the spaces with every possible shade to have a fantastic map of one's family. An abstract and colorful composition in which faces and bodies fade away merging into the color of feelings, moods, thoughts and desires.


What color is aunt? is about our relationships and their physical, mental and sentimental space. It is part of the series of philosophical-artistic workshops, so called because they center on themes of our every day lives and at the same time those same themes are the topics on which humankind has been reasoning since time immemorial. In these workshops we also give reason the use of the hands, the inventing brain, the heart, the whole body. We provide it with brushes, pencils, colors. We force it to lay aside words and instead cross the whole body to say.


coming soon

cost: 30€


To register, go to the page in Italian





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